Zen Desk Forwarding Macro for Outlook

I put together a modified version of this post: Forward email as Ticket – Internal Users

but I couldn’t get it to run without error in Outlook 2013.

I modified it and here’s the modified version and instructions:

  • Open Outlook
  • ALT + F8 brings up the Macro screen
  • Type in a name for your macro and hit create
  • Select all text, delete and clear if there’s any in there
  • Copy this: http://chopapp.com/#z49dzgui
  • Paste it in your window
  • Save

Final instructions from the post above:

Add a Group on the main Ribbon for the button

Right Click on the Ribbon and select “Customize the Ribbon…”. On the right, select the main tab you want the button on (I used Home (Mail)) and click on New Group. Click on the “New Group” and Rename it to “Zendesk”


Add the Macro to the Group

On the Left click on the dropdown box for “Chose Commands From” and select Macros. Choose the “ZendeskForward” Macro and click on Add.


Rename the button

On the Right, Right Click on the macro under the “Zendesk” group and click on Rename. This will allow you to rename the button and change the Icon to what you like. when done click on OK



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