PHP/Curl SSL Certificate Error with Payeezy

As I work toward syncing our as400 to our payment gateway, I’ve encountered an error both in PayTrace and Payeezy sample codes, generally when making a JSON post with Curl in PHP.

The error:

ssl certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain

Almost ALL documentation / research on this suggests you turn off Curl verification (CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER off)  and yes, it works, but it’s just not an option when I’m trying to secure my server for payment transactions.

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PayTrace Client Side Encryption (PHP / IIS)

This is a quick for-developers-only guide of how to get your PHP/JS code (Windows) talking to PayTrace’s API.  I chose the Client Side Encryption as being our first time out, I wanted the least amount of strictness in PCI compliance.   This guide assumes you know PHP, JS, JQuery, a little of what an API does, enough to paste some JSON together and of course your HTML, CSS, etc.   You’re a developer, you have all the code provided open source, but this is a quick A-B-C of what code I used and how I got it working on Windows (IIS7) and hurdles I ran into.

All code here is readily available on GitHub, but if you’d like my version of it, download it on my Gist.

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Take-Aways from Live360!

My Goals

Visual Studio Live! last year was a bit of an eye opener for me. As my first conference, I walked away from it with a feeling that I was letting the as400 tie my hands as a web developer – and worse, there was really no need to.

Yes, the as400 only natively supports PHP, yes, their .NET framework tools are lackluster and yes, it took me months if not the better part of a year to figure out what path to go on. It has its’ limitations but not so much that I should keep putting off learning C# and Visual Studio any longer.

Walking into this year’s Live360! – now with my first 3 .NET apps under my belt – I looked at this conference as a way to bring my new skills together with fresh tools and learn to create one look for our employees, regardless of what lies on the backend.

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Daisy Chaining Monitors (models: u2414h / u2417h)

  1. First, in 2414, you must enable DP 1.2 in the menu. (In 2417 it’s enabled by default)
  2. Plug-in the mini display port (small rounded square) to the 2nd monitor and run it to the first monitor
  3. make sure you plug it into the OUT display port (on the 2417, the out has a small orange-red cap in it, remove and plug it in there)
  4. on the first monitor, go to the monitor’s menu and enable MST, this will make Windows recognize the 2nd monitor as separate
  5. the first monitor flickered, so unplug the power, wait 5 seconds and replug
  6. adjust your display settings accordingly for extended desktop, etc.


*I also installed the latest Intel drivers off of Dell’s website

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Zen Desk Forwarding Macro for Outlook

I put together a modified version of this post: Forward email as Ticket – Internal Users

but I couldn’t get it to run without error in Outlook 2013.

I modified it and here’s the modified version and instructions:

  • Open Outlook
  • ALT + F8 brings up the Macro screen
  • Type in a name for your macro and hit create
  • Select all text, delete and clear if there’s any in there
  • Copy this:
  • Paste it in your window
  • Save
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